Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics.
A lot of parents do not realize it, but children actually want, as well as need, discipline. Children often misbehave simply because they want some drama. They want attention and will press our buttons to get it. Children need and want boundaries. It is up to us as parents to give it to them. Children will ask themselves the question, “Why should I obey my parents?” The answer is simple and found in the Bible.
Ephesians 6:1 (NKJV)
1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
Parents are to discipline their children, and they need to begin as soon as the child is born. To not discipline, demonstrates a lack of love.
Proverbs 19:18 (NKJV)
18 Chasten your son while there is hope, And do not set your heart on his destruction.
18 Chasten your son while there is hope, And do not set your heart on his destruction.
The Hebrew word for “chasten” means teaching and instruction, as well as punishment or correction. The word disciple comes from the word discipline. A disciple is a learner. Treat your children as disciples that need your teaching, guidance and instruction and begin early. This does not mean corporal punishment altogether, but it does not exclude it either. You can often discipline your children through simple, well thought out actions such as taking things away from them, limiting their activities or withholding rewards. These need to be things that your child has a strong desire for. This is simple logic. For example, you would not disallow watching the news every night, because most children do not like the news. Take away the TV, the video game, the cell phone, and etc. for a time. Use it as a reward when the desired behavior is attained.
Set boundaries for your children and increase those boundaries as they mature. When you give your children boundaries they cannot cross without consequences, they feel safe, and they have an out when their peers pressure them to do things they shouldn’t. You also need to be consistent. You cannot waver no matter how much your children push your buttons. Ante up the discipline when they do not respond. If you have practiced this from the beginning, you won’t have to do much of it when they become teens.
The greatest reward for disciplining our children is when they grow up and can discipline themselves. Our world today is severely lacking this quality. I believe many parents do not discipline their children simply because they lack discipline themselves, and they do not want to expend the time and energy. With so many children growing up without a role model, this becomes even more difficult to do. Someone, somewhere, must stop the cycle and set a straight course for our future generations. Let that someone be you. It is never too late. It just might be more difficult. 03-13-09