Cartoonology Devotional 08-11-09
E. Larry Ross
Cartoonology. There is good theology in cartoons and comics.
Good intentions are good, but good intentions alone are not. In Agatha Christie's book The Labour of Hercules, she describes a nightclub visited by Hercule Poirot in one of his investigations. The nightclub was called Hell. It was a below ground club, and the steps that led down into it were decorated with phrases. The first sign read, "I meant well." The second read, "Wipe the slate clean and start afresh." The third, "I can give it up any time I like." Poirot murmured: "These are the good intentions that pave the way to Hell."
How many times have we all intended to do something or stop doing something but never saw it to fruition? We failed to plan properly or we didn't allow enough time. Perhaps, someone or something got in the way, or we convinced ourselves we couldn't do it. Maybe we weren't willing to pay the price or sacrifice enough to do it. We could have just dreamed too big and became overwhelmed. It could be it wasn't what God wanted us to do, or we were just to presumptuous. In most cases, we were probably just not sincere. Cut it any way you want, good intentions alone are not good enough.
The Bible warns us about making decisions without giving them much thought as to God's will. Finding God's will involves prayer and integrity. It requires a close relationship with Him.
James 4:15 (NKJV)
15 Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that." 08-11-09
15 Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that." 08-11-09
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