I love cartoons and have noticed through the years that they quite often contain a spiritual message or hint. Cartoons often depict the culture of our day. This blog is an attempt to draw from cartoons and apply spiritual truths than can impact our lives. Let me know if you find them of any value. Previous devotionals are archived below.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cartoonology Devotional 01-12-10

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Cartoonology Devotional 01-12-10

Cartoonology Devotional.  There is great theology in cartoons and comics.

I heard a news story the other day about a problem one city was having with appointments to jury duty.  It seems one name on the list of possible jurors turned out to actually be a cat.  He keeps showing up on lists, and they can't seem to get him out of the system.  It all began when a couple included him in a census as their pet.

It seems, in some cases, a cat, dog or some other animal might be able to do just as good a job.  USA Today reports that an average of 43 prisoners per year have been exonerated since the year 2000.  Most have been due to DNA testing.  Kirk Bloodworth was released from prison in 1993 after serving 9 years for murdering a 9- year old girl when DNA testing proved his innocence.   "It's hard to come back to this world and be accepted after you've been in prison so long, especially to the workplace. That's very sad.", says Bloodworth.

We can't expect to have perfect judges, courts or juries, but somehow, we should be able to do better.  Unfortunately, it seems that sometimes enough money can get you convicted or acquitted. 

There is one judge who is perfect and His judgment will stick, not for life, but for eternity.  That judge is the one, true, living God.  His judgments are always just.

Ecclesiastes 12:14 (NKJV)
14 For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.  01-12-10

Visit the Pastor's blog at http://larryross.blogspot.com to see all previous Cartoonology Devotionals .

To receive this daily devotional by e-mail, send a message to edrynn@verizon.net and ask for it.  Pastor Ross sends out the devotional several days a week.

These devotionals are free for the using.  Share them with others.  We only ask that you let people know where you got them. 

If you would like to contribute to our church's ministry, however, make your check payable to New Life Community Baptist Church and mail it to 1560 Oakwood Street, Bedford VA 24523.  Thanks and God bless.

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    Larry Ross

    Larry Ross
    Chestnut Hill Free Will Baptist Church
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    Bedford, VA, United States
    I pastor a small church which began in the early 1970's. I love and play Buegrass Gospel music with my wife.