Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics.
My camping days are over, but there was one memorable trip in my childhood. Tommy taught our boy’s mission group at church, and he once took 6 or 8 of us up the Blue Ridge Parkway where we jumped onto the Appalachian Trail and hiked to Petite’s Gap.
Typical of boys, Warren and Delvyn jumped from a lean-to shelter and bumped heads. Both developed a headache, but they seemed fine. After devotions and bedding down, all was quiet (except for James trying to scare everyone with his weird noises). That all changed when Delvyn became delirious.
James and I were elected to carry Delvyn in a blanket down the dark, spooky trail as Tommy led and the rest followed. We later discovered that he had suffered a concussion. It was one camping trip I expect none of us ever forgot.
That was scary, but our camaraderie and the trust we had in our godly leader gave us confidence. It made its mark on us. These kinds of experiences lead us to grow in our faith toward God, and this is what Tommy was always trying to teach us.
Proverbs 14:26 (NKJV) 26 In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, And His children will have a place of refuge. 05-13-09
My camping days are over, but there was one memorable trip in my childhood. Tommy taught our boy’s mission group at church, and he once took 6 or 8 of us up the Blue Ridge Parkway where we jumped onto the Appalachian Trail and hiked to Petite’s Gap.
Typical of boys, Warren and Delvyn jumped from a lean-to shelter and bumped heads. Both developed a headache, but they seemed fine. After devotions and bedding down, all was quiet (except for James trying to scare everyone with his weird noises). That all changed when Delvyn became delirious.
James and I were elected to carry Delvyn in a blanket down the dark, spooky trail as Tommy led and the rest followed. We later discovered that he had suffered a concussion. It was one camping trip I expect none of us ever forgot.
That was scary, but our camaraderie and the trust we had in our godly leader gave us confidence. It made its mark on us. These kinds of experiences lead us to grow in our faith toward God, and this is what Tommy was always trying to teach us.
Proverbs 14:26 (NKJV) 26 In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, And His children will have a place of refuge. 05-13-09