Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics.
Jets used to fly frequently over our house, when I was a young boy. The pilots were trying to fly under the radar at the Air Force base located on the mountain along the Blue Ridge Parkway between where we lived and the Peaks of Otter. We lived in the deep valley along the James River, and the miles of mountains between the radar and us made this a good place to test the radar's capabilities. Those planes would fly so low and make so much noise that they would scare you out of your wits. I thought it was fun to watch them, however.
The radar station has long since been closed, but it still stands there as a reminder of those days and can be seen for miles from certain vantage points. In fact, I can see it out of the back door of my current place of residence. I remember, as a young boy, visiting and touring it with my parents.
We never knew how successful those pilots were in their attempt to fly under the radar, but I do know that there is one radar you will never fly under. God, Himself, is that radar, and any attempt to dodge him will always fail. His Word stands today as an ongoing reminder of His vigilance over the world and the people He created. It reminds us that He is all-knowing (omniscient), in all places at all times (omnipresent) and all powerful (omnipotent). It tells us, ". . . be sure your sin will find you out." (Numbers 32:23)
2 Chronicles 16:9a (NLT)
9 The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. 01-22-10
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