I love cartoons and have noticed through the years that they quite often contain a spiritual message or hint. Cartoons often depict the culture of our day. This blog is an attempt to draw from cartoons and apply spiritual truths than can impact our lives. Let me know if you find them of any value. Previous devotionals are archived below.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cartoonology Devotional 06-09-09


Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics.

There aren’t a lot of things we can be certain about in this life, but death is one of them. Death is a subject we would rather avoid, but at the same time many people live their lives as if they are not going to die. The youngest person I have helped bury was just a very young child, and the oldest was just a few months short of 100 years. Everyone dies.

I like the Apostle Paul’s perspective on death. He gives us some great theology on the subject. One of my favorite passages is 2 Timothy 4:6.

2 Timothy 4:6 (NKJV)
6 For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand.

In this passage, Paul describes death as a “departure”. The word picture in the Greek is that of one setting sail or pulling up stakes for relocation. People often think of death as the end. For them it is sort of like being dry-docked or being tied to the moorings. Paul saw it as a new beginning or a new journey. Those who have placed their faith in Christ as Lord and Savior will set out on the seas of eternal life. As they disappear over the horizon, folks back home wave goodbye and as they appear over on the other shore, folks there beckon them to their new home. It’s a great and real way we can view our own death in Christ. 06-09-09

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    Larry Ross

    Larry Ross
    Chestnut Hill Free Will Baptist Church
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    Bedford, VA, United States
    I pastor a small church which began in the early 1970's. I love and play Buegrass Gospel music with my wife.