Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics.
A lot of us are looking for happiness. Many believe that the Declaration of Independence acknowledges happiness as a right endowed by God. Actually, it only acknowledges the “pursuit” of happiness as a right endowed by God. I have a feeling when many people understand that correctly, they will immediately give up on happiness, because the pursuit of something requires labor and diligence.
Close scrutiny of the scripture reveals that God promotes joy over happiness. Happiness is temporary and limited, but joy is fulfilling and permanent. Grief stops happiness in its tracks. Joy sustains one through grief. Happiness requires labor and advancement; joy is a gift. Happiness might require aid (the Declaration of Independence allocates this to government), but God gives joy.
The joy that God gives is permanent. It is something one experiences even in the midst of great trouble and trial. The Greek word for joy is “chara” and is closely associated with the word grace “charis”. Joy is one result of the grace God bestows upon one’s life through Jesus Christ. No one or nothing can take it from you.
John 16:22 (NKJV) 22 Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. 05-12-09