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Cartoonology Devotional 06-13-09 E. Larry Ross Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics. I have never quite understood people being bored. Our children never told us they were bored because we always had something for them to do, but I hear young people say it quite often these days. To me, being bored means the squandering of opportunity. Boredom generally means being tired of something, but people now days are bored from doing too much of nothing. The dictionary says that boredom is a result of something that is tiresome. So, being bored from doing nothing seems like an oxymoron. What is the cure for boredom? Doing something. What is the cure for boredom from doing something? Do something different. Herein lies the problem; the “something” a lot of people want to do today is “nothing”. I often jokingly respond to people who say “nothing” when I ask them about what they have been doing by posing the question, “Can I help you do it?” or “Come help me, then.” The implication is that I am so busy that I need a break. Disengagement is the real source of boredom. If you want to combat boredom, simply engage yourself in what is happening around you whether it is at home, in a classroom, on the job, in a church worship service or anything other circumstance. There is really no excuse for boredom unless, of course, you are locked up in solitary confinement. Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NKJV) 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going. 06-12-09 Click on the link here to see all previous Cartoonology Devotionals. To receive this daily devotional by e-mail, send a message to and ask for it. Pastor Ross sends out the devotional every day, Monday through Saturday. |