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Cartoonology Devotional 06-11-09 E. Larry Ross Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics. Successful marriage is more about skill than luck, although many people give more credence to the latter. Where do people learn these skills? It should be from their parents, but books and seminars will help a lot. Dr. Gary Chapman, author and well-know speaker, teaches several sets of skills in his marriage seminars. One is how couples should fight. You might think that odd, but the reality is that couples are going to disagree sooner or later. More likely it will be sooner. The question is not if we will have fights, but how we can fight civilly and constructively. Dr. Chapman says you should plan your fight. Below are some principles. 1. Do it after a meal but not just before bedtime – You will both feel better. 2. Do it in private – Never criticize or degrade your mate in front of others. I see this all too often. 3. Do it with consideration – Is your mate ready? Is this a good time? 4. Don’t overdose on criticism – Give no more than one per week. 5. Don’t forget to give compliments – Offer compliments first. Look for positive things to say. We all have some positives. Dr. Chapman says that marriage is a ministry of service. Most of us do not think of it that way. Change in our thought processes might be in order here. 2 Timothy 2:24 (NKJV) 24 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, 06-11-09
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