Cartoonology. There is good theology in cartoons and comics.
As a child, I always hated getting a haircut, and the only reason I don’t mind so much today is that my wife has been cutting my hair for the last 7-8 years. Our barber always cut your hair too short, and in my case, he would always pull the hair up near the crown and cut it off so that it stood straight up. I was always told that I had stubborn hair.
When Janet and I moved to the Baltimore area to pastor a church, I could not find a barber I liked. Have you ever noticed that barbers will ask you how you want it cut, and then they just cut it the way they want to. My wife suggested I go to a woman hair stylist. I refused to at first, but in desperation, I finally did. I got the same old question, “How do you want it cut?” Still not sure how to answer the question, I just told her “Be creative, give me a new style and make me look like Elvis.” I was surprised that she did a pretty good job, and I wasn’t almost hairless when I left. Interestingly I learned from her that I was combing my hair in the wrong direction. She told me that it should be parted on the right instead of the left, because my hair naturally parted that way. It took 37 years for me to find that out after all those barbers! She was right, and I have been parting my hair that way ever since. I didn’t have stubborn hair after all!
Isn’t it interesting how you can continue to learn things about yourself as long as you live? According to the Apostle Paul, we will be learning until we get to heaven where we will finally gain perfect knowledge.
1 Corinthians 13:12 (NKJV)
12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
Of course, Paul is primarily talking about spiritual truth, but all knowledge is included. Isn’t it good to know that in heaven we will know as much about ourselves as God knows about us? Most importantly, we will know God as much as He knows us. In other words, we will know Him perfectly. I agree with J. Vernon McGee on this text that we will also know each other in heaven. If I see any of those barbers, I am going to have a talk with them. 03-30-09