Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics.
Nativity figurines are not considered action figures, but there was plenty of action surrounding the birth of Jesus. There was the announcement to Mary by an angel as well as the revelation of the same to Joseph in a dream. Then, the angels made the announcement to the shepherds. Later, came the revelation to the wise men from the east. Mary and Joseph had to deal with noisy, smelly livestock in the stable as well as the bustling town of Bethlehem in finding a place to stay. King Herod caused quite a ruckus over the event out of envy and hatred, and he had all male children two years old and under killed in Bethlehem and its surrounding areas.
On might think that this is drama befitting reenactment upon the stage. Indeed it is, and it has and is being done around the world during the Christmas season in churches of all sizes. This is, after all, the greatest story ever told.
I like what Adrian Rogers once said about the birth of Jesus. He said that many think that this is when Jesus came into existence, but the fact is Jesus already was before that. He is the preexisting God of the universe who created all that is. He has always been the everlasting God. It was out of His love that He stepped out of the portals of heaven to become the God-Man who stepped onto earth. He is Emmanuel – God among us, God with us, God for us and God in us. Through faith in Christ you can have God in you. Now, that is real, action drama!
Philippians 2:5-6 (NKJV)
5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,
6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 12-17-09
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