Cartoonology Devotional 06-08-09
E. Larry Ross
Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics.
A farmer decided to place an ad for a wife in the newspaper. It read, “Farmer needs wife. Must own tractor. Please send photo of tractor.” No doubt, there is plenty of misconception in our world about marriage. The Bible makes a bold statement on this matter.
Ephesians 5:25 (NKJV) 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,
What does this mean?
1. The husband is to love his wife sacrificially.
2. The husband is to love his wife wholly.
3. The husband is to love his wife unconditionally.
4. The husband is to love his wife exclusively.
I often ask couples why they want a church wedding. I have gotten many answers, but often it is something like this, “My mother was married in this church” or “This sanctuary is so beautiful”. After much counsel to get the couple to give their lives to Jesus and their home to God, they often leave never intending to make any such decision. Marriage cannot be what God intended when this is the case.
I was counseling a couple and warned them about the pitfalls of cohabitation. The groom responded, “When I buy a car, I like to try it out first.” My response was, “Young man, you are not marrying a car!” I was surprised the bride didn’t call it quits right then, but she thought it was funny. Their response indicates one real and sad reason many marriages fail. 06-08-09