Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics.
Riding bikes was a big part of my growing up. My first bike was a hand-me-down. My second one was a Christmas present. I took pretty good care of it, but I had a bad habit of leaving it in the driveway. My dad told me one day that if he ever ran over it with the car, I would have to buy the next one. You can guess what happened. My third bike was a beauty. I paid $69.00 for it. It was a 3-speed English with chrome wheels, chrome fenders and a generator light. I was proud of that bike.
My dad had a way of teaching you things the hard way. These lessons you never forget, however. Too many free handouts to our children will just ruin them. There is the law of diminishing return that sets in when we give them too much. It is like the time I ate so many potato chips that I got sick. I didn’t even want to look at a potato chip for a long time.
When we give our children too much stuff, they never find any lasting satisfaction. They just want to move on to the next new thing very soon. On top of that, they never really learn to show appreciation, be grateful or possess contentment. That is a tragedy!
Hebrews 13:5 (NKJV)
5 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
I took even better care of that new bike. I had an investment in it that cost me some hard work and sweat. Plus, it reminded me every time I got on it of a valuable lesson learned the hard way. 03-20-09
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