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Cartoonology Devotional 05-30-09 E. Larry Ross Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics. People outside your Sunday School class just might know as much about what goes on there as the class members. This should put us on alert and govern carefully what happens not only in class but also outside. Some people drive others away faster than they can be brought in. This requires thoughtful consideration. Simple, innocent things can be a problem. For example, if your class practices calling on every person present to read some scripture, you could very likely prevent someone who cannot read from coming. I have sat in many classes where this very thing takes place, and it is simply an innocent way of trying to involve people, but I have actually had people tell me they won’t come for this reason. It would be much better for the teacher to just read all the scripture and ask some questions that anyone could respond to if he wanted. If the above is true, imagine what idle gossip does for reaching outsiders. And don’t try to disguise your gossip by presenting it as a prayer request or mentioning it in a prayer. Also, don’t resist changing your policies or strategy in order to reach more. Church and Bible study are about people and people are more important than policy. Leviticus 19:16 (NKJV) 16 You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people; nor shall you take a stand against the life of your neighbor: I am the Lord. 05-30-09 Click on the link here to see all previous Cartoonology Devotionals. To receive this daily devotional by e-mail, send a message to and ask for it. Pastor Ross sends out the devotional every day, Monday through Saturday. |
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