Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics.
Do you remember the first date you had with your spouse? I do. It was 44 years ago. Well, it was sort of a date. I was actually minding my own business at the local square dance being held at our local American Legion building. I wasn’t dancing because I didn’t know how, but I liked listening to the music and watching the others.
I was leaning against the wall enjoying myself when I noticed this slender, redhead with very long hair making her way across the room. She was coming straight at me, but I didn’t give it much thought. The closer she came, the more I realized she had targeted me. “You want to dance”, she asked. For some strange reason, I said yes and before I knew it we were on the floor.
I was pretty impressed. First, that a girl noticed me. Second, because I was actually dancing. Third, this girl was pretty and friendly. Fourth, she was two years older than me. Maybe it was all because she attended school in the next county and didn’t know me. We met each other every weekend at that dance for about a year until I could get my driver’s license. I was only 14 when we met.
I haven’t been the perfect husband, but she has been perfect for me these 40 years of marriage. She has been a perfect mate and partner in ministry, and has sacrificed a lot. I can’t think of being in ministry without her. She is God’s gift to me.
Proverbs 5:18 (NLT)
18 Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth. 07-31-09
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