Cartoonology Devotional 09-17-09
E. Larry Ross
Have you ever done a stupid thing and wished you could turn back the clock? I certainly have; more than once.
A man walked into the Bank of America and on the back of a deposit slip wrote, "this iz a stikkup. Put all your muny in this bag." While standing in line, waiting to give his note to the teller, he began to worry that someone may have seen him write the note. So, he left the Bank of America and walked across to the street to Wells Fargo and handed it to a teller. Determining that this robber was a few sandwiches short, she told him that he would either have to fill out a Wells Fargo withdrawal slip or go back to the Bank of America. She then called the police. They arrested the man a few minutes later—still waiting in line at the Bank of America.
We sometimes do stupid things more than once. Why is that? Human nature. Sinful nature. Listen to what the Apostle Paul said.
Romans 7:15, 24-25 (NKJV)
15 For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.
24 O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?
25 I thank God--through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin. 09-17-09
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