Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics.
There is a great old hymn titled, “Give of Your Best to the Master”. You can’t find it in modern-day hymnals, but we sang it a lot in church when I was growing up. In addition to good lyrics, it has an unusual tune. Part of the lyrics are:
Give of your best to the Master;
Give Him first place in your heart;
Give Him first place in your service;
Consecrate every part.
I tell people who fall asleep in worship services that I know of no better place to take a nap. I know some people struggle because of medication, etc., but some people sleep simply because they do not come prepared to give God their best in worship.
My wife and I have made it a habit over the years to reserve Saturday nights for time at home. We do that in part just to get ready for Sunday morning. We get our offering ready, sometimes our clothing ready, our Bible study materials in order and we go to bed early enough to get plenty of rest. We want to give our best when we go to worship. We want to be alert and come with expectation to hear something from God.
I am always glad to see people on Sunday morning, sleepy or not. Think about it, though. If you are not giving your best ear to God on Sunday morning, are you able to do it through the week?
Psalm 95:2 (NKJV)
2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with Psalms.
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