There is a great need for prayer for America and her politicians. Unfortunately, the politicians are passing a lot of trash against us. The anti-Christian slant of media and politics has escalated tremendously in recent times, and under today’s leadership it is moving like a freight train.
We did ourselves no favor when we stood idly by and allowed atheists and the government to take prayer out of schools, and it is amazing that people wonder what is wrong with them. Recent events are even more troubling.
The so-called Hate Crimes Bill, if passed, will be devastating to conservative talk shows and churches. This bill, for the first time in American history will make conservative, biblical views against homosexuality a crime. Free speech will become a crime instead of a right. It will also be the first time that one’s sexual o

It is obvious that the homosexual community and its supporters have an agenda, and it is not to just have the right to practice homosexuality. They already have that right. What they are after is to force their lifestyle on everyone else and to receive special treatment when it comes to our nations constitution and laws. It is just wrong and it is scary!
It amazes me that people who call themselves Bible-believing Christians are so blind to the blight of homosexuality. The Bible cannot be any plainer on this subject. It is not that God hates homosexuals. God hates the sin of homosexuality.
Leviticus 20:13 (NKJV) 13 If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. 05-08-09
Dear God, please save our nation from self-destruction. Forgive us of our sinful ways and burden us toward repentance.
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