I love cartoons and have noticed through the years that they quite often contain a spiritual message or hint. Cartoons often depict the culture of our day. This blog is an attempt to draw from cartoons and apply spiritual truths than can impact our lives. Let me know if you find them of any value. Previous devotionals are archived below.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cartoonology devotional 09-22-09

Frank & ErnestCartoonology Devotional 09-22-09
Cartoonology. There is great theology in cartoons and comics
When Howard Carter and his associates found the tomb of King Tutankhamen, they opened up his casket and found another within it. They opened up the second, which was covered with gold leaf, and found a third. Inside the third casket was a fourth made of pure gold. The pharaoh's body was in the fourth, wrapped in gold cloth with a gold facemask. But when the body was unwrapped, it was leathery and shriveled.
There is nothing wrong with a person presenting himself or herself as the very best possible, but in many cases, who you see would almost be unrecognizable without all the many enhancements. The old phrase, "beauty is only skin deep" is really true. Real beauty must come from within.
Image is important, but it is never more important than when it pertains to the inner man. It is the inner man that Christ changes when one becomes one of his disciples. You can try to cover over a dead, spiritual life or anything else with glitter and glamour so as to impress other people, but the beauty of the exterior dose not change the lack of life within you.
There is an image that has been given to us by God. It is the image of Christ Himself. Let us so live so as to let that image shine.
Romans 8:29 (HCSB)
29 For those He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers. 09-22-09

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    Larry Ross
    Chestnut Hill Free Will Baptist Church
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    Bedford, VA, United States
    I pastor a small church which began in the early 1970's. I love and play Buegrass Gospel music with my wife.